But no spoilers please*! Will watch the keynote tomorrow during the day #wwdc *I won’t read and timelines

Didn’t watched the #WWDC keynote, instead I improved the Webmention handling on my blog and implemented my Micro.blog as well #indieweb

My first #fivefingers feeling very comfortable and even softer than my Vivos.

Well, hello thunderstorm just before sunset #nofilter

Bike 2 Dinner and back

Yes! #Webmentions are working on my site! #indieweb Now to proper display and formatting. Proof: renem.net/post/2017…

Test post from #Quill to my micro.blog. If you can read this, it works!

Enjoying this perfect Sunday on the green!

Enjoying this perfect Sunday on the green! #golf

View from tonight’s Italian style Restaurant in Salzgitter. #nofilter

Auf dem Weg nach Norddeutschland für diese kurze Arbeitswoche. Die erste Bahnfahrt seit Jahren für mich. #trip

Alles auf Anfang, alles Meins! #blog #indieweb

After some strange escape problems with the HTML content in GOlang #Hugo now creates a valid #JSONfeed from my site. For now it servers content_text.

Turns out, Amazon Music Unlimited is pretty good and I currently think about if I should ditch #Spotify for it. #strangeThoughts

This “owning my content again” thing started again for me thanks to @manton and his @microdotblog project. #indieweb

Made some progress with owning my content again yesterday. Plan for this evening: set up #hugo and convert Jekyll posts

Thanks to the blog post from @curtclifton the setup of a custom domain name for my micro.blog was pretty easy!

Just playing with the iOS app.

Hello micro.blog! Lets see what you come up with in the next few weeks & months!

Enjoying this beautiful day. Started to swim again. 500m done already. #summertime #swimming