Fantastische #fanta4 auf dem Tollwood in München am Montag! Selten so warm auf einem Konzert gewesen. #tollwood #munich #music #fanta4ontour #sorgenkind

Fantastische #fanta4 auf dem Tollwood in München am Montag! Selten so warm auf einem Konzert gewesen. #tollwood #munich #music #fanta4ontour #sorgenkind
First day with my first pair of @LUNAsandals Monos, still fiddling around with the perfect lace setting. After every few hundred meters the heel lace losens and I’ve to adjust it.
Seems like posting from #Instagram to my works after fiddling around with site verification.
Seems like posting from #Instagram to my works after fiddling around with site verification.
Seems like posting from #Instagram to my works after fiddling around with site verification.
@manton last two posts with photos from the iPhone app didn’t show the photos. Also the tweets appear on Twitter without the photos. Weird.
But what a great show in a pretty hot area. Felt like 40°C and 100% humidity.
Moments I wish I had a @moment tele lens with me. It looks so far away here. #fanta4 #tollwood #munich
@Kanton Thanks for Dynamic type support!
@manton my feed is properly set up as JSON feed and shows my latest blog post. However didn’t posted it here. Any ideas?
My favorite area at Legoland Germany.
First trip with the @ArcidoTravel #Faroe. Packed for three days. Still some space for an additional day left.
Learned by accident: CMD-TAB to an app, release TAB, press Q (hold CMD) – Quits app without switching to it. #Sierra
Summertime! #newwatchband ⌚️
T-Day canceled, next try tomorrow 🏜🏖
Easy Sunday morning round
Easy Sunday morning round
@ben My Arcido Faroe arrived today. Really great backpack. I’ll see if it can handle all the things I need for a 2 ½ day business trip week after next. I like the design and material! Well crafted.
My “after the rain” run from yesterday Cruise Intervals @5:10/min #gyroscope #rainbow run
Let’s test these beautiful headphones out. I doubt that I’ll send them back.