Vorletzter Urlaubstag – Kleine MTB-Tour (38km) mit ein paar Single-Trails geplant. Das erste Mal mit @komoot, nun zieht hier ein Gewitter auf kurz vor dem Start.
Dank #BreakingBad entdeckt: DLZ – TV On The Radio
47 BPM resting heart rate during sleep is a new low for me! #running

Neuer Blog Post: Breaking Bad – Die Dritte #tvshow #netflix
Thinking about building a page on my blog that collects and shows all #Webmentions that are not specific to a post, like a mention on Twitter to a tweet, etc. Brid.gy collects this type of mentions. How other #Indieweb people handle this?
6x3 min Hard runs on the track. #running #instarun #trackrunning #runningformula

Neuer Blog Beitrag: Mein Laufdaten Workflow mit der Apple Watch #running
Great statement from @dreamhost “We fight for the users”
Working and now also proper display of Webmentions! Proof: renem.net/post/2017… #indieweb
The search for a proper RSS “Sync-service” has begun. Is @feedwrangler still actively developed? Seems a bit out-dated to me. This would be my first choice for a paid RSS service.
Sadly no long run today. Plan was a long run, but didn’t felt that good, so just easy 7km.

Nice app that does exactly one thing. Shares your location with people for a predefined amount of time. „Shareloc: Location Sharing“ and it’s free!
Cruise Intervals 4x1M - rainy, windy Perfect time for new records!!

Wedge time! #mizunogolf #golf #golfstagram #6010

Ich habe mal über mein aktuelles “Experiment” gebloggt. Weniger Social Media, mehr Mensch #blog
I’m curios if the #Indieweb updates behind the scenes on my blog will really bring the “Owning your content” thing to visibility.
Die erste Lieferung Kaffee von Martermühle ist eben eingetroffen. Ich werde den Peru, die Goldene Mitte als erste probieren. #aeropress

Next level: I try to implement photo posting for my #Hugo blog and make it #Indieweb and micro.blog compatible. That’s a harder one for me.
Jetzt müssen die ganzen Wordpress Nutzer bitte nur noch den WebMention Support aktivieren, dann kann das was werden! www.manton.org
Great overview and post by Drew McLellan about implementing Webmention support and dropping the plain old blog comments therefore.