This is the only good looking option to me for the “red dot” Apple Watch. Pardon, it looks bold! Everything else looks strange.

This is the only good looking option to me for the “red dot” Apple Watch. Pardon, it looks bold! Everything else looks strange. was always on my radar in the past months and years. Keybase Teams is a huge step ahead. I don’t have a use case yet, but maybe some day.
Note to self: Create a full (encrypted) iTunes backup before updating to iOS11 today. This also answers the question that I didn’t had the courage to update to the GM a few days ago.
Saturday, September 16, 2017 →
Tempted to install the GM of iOS 11 on my main iPhone. Should I?
It’s getting colder in the morning. 6°C today but perfect sunrise. Threshold #run
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 →
Sunday long run. #silence #earlybird #morningrun
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 →
Vegane Linsenbolognese mit Spaghetti
Was man halt so macht wenn Frau&Kind nicht im Haus sind 😀 Darf man Bolognese eigentlich zubereiten ohne dabei ein Glas Rotwein zu trinken?!? #food #vegan #pasta
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 →
Lechtrail MTB Single Trail Augsburg/Lech #mtb #trail #fun @komoot
Wednesday, September 13, 2017 →
Short test run :-) #running #sceneonmyrun #vibramfivefingers #vibram #gyroscope
Digging deeper into #Indieweb goodness. “Liked” the first post on my own site:… - So many possibilities!
Neuer Blog Post: Laufspass mit Fivefingers
Reminder an das Wetter! Wir haben immer noch Sommer (kalendarisch zumindest)
Recovery Tag, heute mal keine Folge Breaking Bad, somit steigen die Chancen das ich volle 8 Stunden Schlaf bekommen könnte. Gn8!
Heute möchte ich mal 2-3km damit Laufen. Stellt sich die Frage ob in den #Lunas oder #Fivefingers. Empfehlungen? #barefoot
Current status: Breaking Bad S05E01 #watching Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.:
Ich sollte wohl etwas langsamer machen diese Woche. @runalyzeDE sagt 3 Tage. #laufen
Today I added more social #indieweb support to my site. Now also #Flickr and #Instagram is included. Had to disable OwnYourGram, it wasn’t reliable and missed loads of photos to publish. Now try it in another way and when I write a blog post with a photo I also post on Instagram I'' set a syndication link to the post as well.
Neuer Blog Post: Mein erster Mountainbike Trail mit Komoot
Mountainbike Fun - Single Trail Augsburg/Lech