So ein Wetter und ich habe keine passenden Laufschuhe für diese Bedingungen! #running Empfehlungen? @admartinator 😀

So ein Wetter und ich habe keine passenden Laufschuhe für diese Bedingungen! #running Empfehlungen? @admartinator 😀
Heute in lang/lang unterwegs bei gefühlten -8°C. Dafür hatte ich alle Wege für mich, keiner hat sich auf die Straße getraut. #running
Tycho - Epoch is playing nearly non-stop during work in the evening. Grab a good headphone, some work, hit play!
Seems like I’m not the only one with this issue. BluetoothHR chest strap disconnects when leaving the settings screen. Not usable currently.
It’s that time of the year again.
Ich glaube das wird dieses Jahr eng mit den geplanten 1500km. #runalyze #running
Frisch gebloggt: HealthFit – Apple Watch Workouts exportieren
Good Morning!
Lesestoff auf der Heimfahrt und die nächsten Tage. #running #reading
On my way to northern Germany again for a short trip. Packed my Arcido Faroe for 3 days and it surprises me everytime I pack it up.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
It is really a thing of beauty. But I won’t pay 1200€ for this thing this year. Maybe next year when my 6S isn’t usable anymore. Notes: there is a FaceID demo on the store displays. Played with it and it was reliable from nearly every position. Side note: lighting conditions were perfect. First time I would choose the white version of an iPhone because the front is black as it should be.
Need workout some more…
My Pick for today is Headset App for Mac. Plays audio since hours from YouTube via Reddit’s /r/chillstep (my decision) channel
I searched for a bug in my #Webmention Javascript for over an hour and the final bugfix was a simple
Happy Halloween 🎃
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
This #dotfiles thing is hard to miss as a nerd. I already started and created some basic things. I created a Keybase private Git repo for versioning. The Git integration that the team has made is pretty good so far. The more I look into different dotfile solutions, the more ideas I get what could be included in my dotfiles. However, I won’t just copy&paste code from others, because this way I won’t understand what an alias, function or whatever does the way I want it.
The iOS and Mac app for are a great start, especially that both have low version numbers. But every time I start the app I imagine how great it would be if @Riposte or one of the other great ADN apps would exist for m.b.
If I understand m.b. right I can add as many RSS feeds I publish on as I want to, and all will sum up nicely here. Let’s try this.
Every time I visit the Indieweb Wiki I find something new and often things I really never heard of. Feels like I still just touched the surface of this whole #OwnYourContent and #Indieweb thing.
I stumbled across some older blog posts that had images hosted on Lightroom got me covered. #OwnYourContent #indieweb