Will do @carrot_app, will do! 🥶

Will do @carrot_app, will do! 🥶
Cacio e Pepe first try #cooking
So! Endlich Winter ❄️ in Bayern! #ichLiebeEs
ratiopharm arena: #Fanta4 Konzert in #Ulmo heute Abend.
Alle Jahre wieder die Fantas im Winter 😀
How cool is that?!? I can follow Mastodon accounts right here on M.b. just by searching for the username@instance and can follow. Posts appear right in my timeline.
Nachdem meine erste #ApplePay Zahlung bei @bauhausinfo nicht ging, hat es mit einer Tankfüllung bei Jet geklappt. Via Apple Watch⌚️ ist das schon sehr komfortabel und ich kann nachvollziehen weshalb alle so begeistert sind.
First fire! 🔥
Ich hoffe ja das “Coming soon“ heißt nicht erst Ende 2019…@consorsbank #applePay
Lego Star Wars December calendar – Day 5/24 Anyone knows the name of this guy?
Yes! KNX up & running on every outlet. #happy
Someone opened a pull request on Github for one of my #webOS apps I last committed 7-8 years ago.
First tea at our new fireplace. Still lots of things to do but getting there. T-20 – yes, snow outside.
HRV4Training can soon use Apple Watch Breath App data for HRV measurement! Great read (long!) Heart Rate Variability (HRV) features: can we use SDNN instead of rMSSD? A data-driven perspective on short term variability analysis
iPhone XS: Why It’s A Whole New Camera
The iPhone XS camera is better than iPhone X. It has superior dynamic range, but comes with a few tradeoffs in Apple’s software. If you don’t like the newfangled way of doing things, don’t worry.
Thursday, September 27, 2018 →
I finally found a way to fluidly set font-size, content-width and line-height based on viewport-size in Golden Ratio in plain CSS. 🙌
Listening to Superheld - Samy Deluxe 🎵
Since Feedbin is 100% funded by paying customers, I can focus solely on making the best product possible without compromises. Therefore, Feedbin can be private by default.
Result from today’s bread baking session.
100% rye sour dough with fancy 15% scaled grainy rye flour.
Smells fantastic, slightly malty 🥖
Look what I found in my cabin. Raise your hands if you know that this thing is!
Bread baking day: Sourdough with 50/50 wheat/rye. Looks pretty yummy 😋