Monday, November 15, 2021
Recap of my trading day 11/15 with #TheStrat
Red 🛑 Day, no profits…
PSA: Includes whining on scalping the Q’s with #TheStrat today…
From my #SundaySwing list only $FB triggered today but gapped up quite a bit and I didn’t entered that play. Everything else did not trigger yet, was a mixed day.
Since nothing triggerd I got bored and forced trades… $QQQ was my chosen sacrifice on the 60, 30, 15 and 5min. I waited for the break above 394.54, to get in the 395c 0dte. It triggered the 60min to a 2-2 Bullish Reversal…

Got a fill on some contracts at .60 and it – as we always think, the market knews when we enter – dropped immeditiately back to 392.90. I got out at 393.90 but still that felt so wrong and stupid to me.

… and ended as a 2d-3d on the 60min 😢
I still don’t know why I didn’t follow my rules today and felt back to old habits and tried to scalp on the $QQQ and $SPY like months ago when I lost a good amount of my acct balance.
So this post is here to remind me, to – hopefully – learn from such stupid things in the future.